Living for Your Glory - Tim Hughes Live life with no regrets.

the Lord's servant, Freda

An Ordinary Young Lady
Leading an Extraordinary Life...

D.O.B: 29/01/1989
D.O.C: 16/09/2001
Age: 21

God's Blessings...

Attained a diploma in Int'l Biz
Obtained a Class 3 Driving License
Working as:
Executive in a MNC firm

My Prayers

Restful Increase 2010
Knowing that I've the Abundance of God's Grace
A man of God
Sisters to see me through valleys

God's Promise

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting
covenant, between God and all living creatures
of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16

Fellow Blogs

the Place I Belong

Sharing Our Experiences

Past Memories

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008

Layout: YourMama
Image: Deviantart
Host: Imageshack, Blogskins

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...

Wow,cant believe this is the first post for the month of June. haha. Time really flies, and tomorrow will be the second week of work in NCS. The first week in NCS was really tough. Tagging along with a colleague who is handing over her job and work to me as she is redeployed. The jobscope is really wide and complicated. Lots of work process and workflow to remember and to follow. On top of that, I will still have to learn the new system, SAP. Somehow, I am struggling in learning whatever which was taught. Its is really fast paced and the company is really organised and efficient. No time to lose, and every minute, you are rushing to complete your part so that the job can be pass to the next department to complete the whole project. SO MANY THINGS TO DO! That is why you have not seen me online during office hour or blogging recently. haha.

I used to blog during office hours back in Sanyo, but in NCS, there is really not enough time to complete your work, let alone blogging. And, even after work, I am already mentally and physically drained. I just wanna rest after work, seriously. Very stressed. Seldom you see me use this word. Thus, do pray for me, for the determination and patience in the process of learning. I need to absorb and digest the informations fast so that I can take over the job asap.

Ok so much on my job. Let's talk about camp. Camp is just 3 days away. Have you started packing your barang barang? haha, I wanted to do it to day, but I was so lazy to get started. hehe. Will start tomorrow instead. Anyway, there will be a station where we are needed to get into the sea of water. Thus, please prepare to bring your swimsuit/bikini/swimming trunks or whatever that is waterproof! ahha. It is up to you, if you just wanna go down in T-shirt and shorts, Its totally fine. Just as long as you wear something on. haha. Crap aside. Remember to bring your battery charger so that you can charge your HP if not you may be uncontactable during Treasure Hunt. haha. However, you may leave your HP at home if you are using *SH, as we have incidents that, there is no receptions in St John's Island. ahah. Right, Jordan? hehe.

I am getting excited! haha. Time for a fellowship and bonding! YEah. Btw, before that, let's all pray for Edmund and Jordan who will be leaving for Genting tomorro morning. Let's pray for journey mercy and safety during the holiday trip! Yeah. We wanna see you guys coming back in ONE PIECE alright??? hha.

Ok, time for rest. SEE YOU GUYS SOON!! (:

