Living for Your Glory - Tim Hughes Live life with no regrets.

the Lord's servant, Freda

An Ordinary Young Lady
Leading an Extraordinary Life...

D.O.B: 29/01/1989
D.O.C: 16/09/2001
Age: 21

God's Blessings...

Attained a diploma in Int'l Biz
Obtained a Class 3 Driving License
Working as:
Executive in a MNC firm

My Prayers

Restful Increase 2010
Knowing that I've the Abundance of God's Grace
A man of God
Sisters to see me through valleys

God's Promise

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting
covenant, between God and all living creatures
of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16

Fellow Blogs

the Place I Belong

Sharing Our Experiences

Past Memories

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008

Layout: YourMama
Image: Deviantart
Host: Imageshack, Blogskins

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
My Beloved Cell Group... ...
Specially dedicated to my precious cell members...
Hi guys!!!
It has been quite awhile since we came to know one another. For most of you peeps, Its gonna been a year soon ya? Time really flies. Have you guys wonder what actually you guys wanted to achieve in our Spiritual life or Ministry? One year later in my spiritual life, I was called and inspired to be a Youth leader at the age of 14. I was committed to my Church activities and did my Quiet Time regulary. Have you thought and prayed to God of what He has called you for for His Ministry?
Till to date, as a AHCL, I felt totally discouraged and embarrassed in doing God's Ministry. It was because I had failed in the task that was given to me. I had failed to lead my cell group, failed to minister to my cell members. I was at a total lost when my cell members said 'no' I am not coming (for any of the Church Activities). And I had failed to find out the reason why. Many times I wanna quit and I told myself, Freda, maybe people ministry is not your forte, why not continue doing all the background job? But I always tell myself, thats from Satan. Why am I saying all these? Its to tell my cell members that not only you yourself are struggling in the area of your studies, family and ministry. In fact the higher the level you are, you will have more stuff to deal with , more responsibilities are given to you. And out of all these, we are caring for you guys. Do you guys actually feel it? I need feedbacks on my caring system. I dont know what actually you guys want, thats why I felt I was always given a cold shoulder. I know I should improve but I really dont know how to go about it. Please advise.
As a 1 year old Christians, you guys are already not considered young Christians. Get Real and Get alive in your commitment in Church!!! No more living in your comfort zone. Its time to go the extra mile to do something Great for God ya?
May God speaks to you. God bless. :)

Friday, August 11, 2006
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
A Close Shave
I thank God that I am alive today. This evening I went dinner with Qiuling and we went bugis for a stroll after dinner. By then its was already 9.00pm. All the shops are almost closing, so we only shop for around 30 mins and proceed our way to Bugis village. And for another 30 mins, we decided to leave the place. We waited for buses 133 and 130, but for goodness sake, the bus stop was flooded, so we end up waited for bus 851 at the other bus stop. Though the bus stop was not flooded, but when the bus finally arrived it was 7/8 full of ppl. However, due to our small size, obviously we managed to squeeze in la. haha. We are at the very front of the bus where we scan our ez link with the bus captain. And behind me were all the aunties trying their very best to get in the bus. I cant breathe lo!!!! haha. I was facing the bus captain and on my left was the big glass, the frontier. It was really scary. Imagine you were so close to the road, it seems like you were very close to the other cars. I was very afraid. And once, when the bus captain was giving signals to the other cars telling them he is gonna cut the lanes to the 4th lane as he is going turn right, the first 2 lanes were alright, however when we came to the last lane, a car was just so stubborn and irresponsible, he pushes his way through, it almost clashes with our bus. Thank God that the bus captain was agile enough to give way. Can you imagine the consequences? Now, I realise how great are the bus captains in the world. They are raising their precious life every moment they are driving. I really salute to them. Anyway, when I reached the bus stop at Novena, Ling and I decided to alight. The bus was really flooded. We are suffocating to death if we were gonna alight at AMK. So we took a cab home instead. haha. Thats about it. Enjoy your day guys!! God bless :)

Monday, August 07, 2006
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Princess Diary
Haha. Wat a nice title right??? haha. Well, We are all princes and princesses of God right? haha. You've got to agree with that. haha. Em, currently, I am working now, and I took some time out to blog since I am able to afford some time out. haha.
On Saturday, I went dinner with the peeps, Joshua, Jevelle, Naomi and Sylvia. There is only a few of us as Pastor went back for his conference and Chu Ting and friends stayed back in Church for some musical stuff. haha. And we had KFC for dinner. ( Its always fast food right ) haha. Em, No offence. Well, I must really say I really enjoyed myself that night, I guess this is the first time that I had such a bonding with them. We talked about our lifes, views on the church and some jokes here and there. They just cant stop laughing haha. And you know what? They are really ppl that I underestimated. I thought that they are innocent ppl but I was really shocked by some of the words they used. haha. I ffence ya. haha. But however, I felt enjoyable with them. I hope this kind of bondimg will not just stop here but a start to get to know one another better. haha. Lets pray for it.
I must seriously say that last week cell group was good!!! Jordan, you've improved really much. Our evaluation for last week's Praise and worship would definitely be better than the previous one. And I believed I improved too. haha. Not being thick skin but just complimenting myself for my effort. haha. I think you guys should start learning how to praise yourself more often. Dont underestimate it. It does boost your confidence ya? haha. Well, this is only the start, there is more to come, more to learn and more to experience. haha. I felt that I am getting nearer to my goal already!!! Praise God!!!!
For you guys, I prayed that you are also getting closer and nearer towards your goal. If you feel that you are getting further away, then you got to wake up and do something about it ya? lets start being REAL!!!!
Its already 11.40am, I will be going for my lunch at 12 noon!! Yeah, I am really hungry, cant wait to grab any food. haha. And I will be starting my new module on Business Law today, its time I get back to my study momentum haha. Do pray for me ya? And May God bless your week ahead of you, and always remember to treasure every moment of your life and live it to the fullest!!!!! Love you Guys!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Hi everyone, it has really been a long time since I blogged again. I have been very recently preparing for my exams which ended on 26th July. haha. But however, I am starting my new modules soon alamak. My next 2 modules are Business Law and Fundamental IT. haha. I wonder who will be my lecturers. haha. Hopefully, they are funny people so that they can make me laugh after a long and tiring day after work. However, My lectures day' falls on monday and wednesday, which means I wont be able to join my parents for dinner anymore as they only off on mondays.

I seriously hope that my another 2 modules will falls on wed and fri instead. haha. Well, I got to pray for it. haha. Anyway, last night, it was the last time I ate dinner with my mum for the next 3 months to come. ok. For ppl who don understand wat I am talking abt. Little bit about the background story, my parents are hawkers, they worked early in the morning 6am to 9 plus in the night. So we always have our dinner ourselves. By the time we see them, its already 10pm , and they are very tired already so Monday its the only day we can spent more time together. haha. Ya thats about it.

Well, a good news to share with you guys that probably in July 2007 next year, Pauline and I will be flying over to Sydney to attend Hillsong Annual conference. haha. I am so excited about it. That has always been my dream. And it seems I am goingto fufill it soon!!!! We are most likely to stay there for a week or so. Thats why we are saving money now. haha. And we will share our experience and encounter with you guys haha. Do pray for us ya. haha.

And Currently, I am working hard for my ministry. What about you? Are you guys trying hard to bring newcomers? Lets work hard for God's Ministry and lets share the good news we know with the lost souls out there. Remember we all have a common goal? 50 BY THE END OF 2006!!!!!! We will do it!!!! Amen?