Living for Your Glory - Tim Hughes Live life with no regrets.

the Lord's servant, Freda

An Ordinary Young Lady
Leading an Extraordinary Life...

D.O.B: 29/01/1989
D.O.C: 16/09/2001
Age: 21

God's Blessings...

Attained a diploma in Int'l Biz
Obtained a Class 3 Driving License
Working as:
Executive in a MNC firm

My Prayers

Restful Increase 2010
Knowing that I've the Abundance of God's Grace
A man of God
Sisters to see me through valleys

God's Promise

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will see it and remember the everlasting
covenant, between God and all living creatures
of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16

Fellow Blogs

the Place I Belong

Sharing Our Experiences

Past Memories

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008

Layout: YourMama
Image: Deviantart
Host: Imageshack, Blogskins

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Be a GOLD MEDALIST Material!

Wow! Time really flies since the last time I blogged. haha. Anyone missed my Post? haha. I doubt so. hehe. Well, I was really inspired by what Pastor Bill had preached during Service yesterday. I was challenged internally, searching for an answer deep within me. Probably I have found the answer already, the thing that I thought was very important to me. It is something which you must have in order to survive, but at the same time, you can do without by God's Grace. haha. Well, I am talking to myself. Time to re-energise myself, time to reflect on my Goal. haha.

As for work, I am really getting myself into my position. Getting familar with my work and getting very well with colleagues. This month is a very 'happening' in my company. We had our DND 2008 at Expo Hall 1 on 1st Aug, and we also had our Corporate Admin Team Building at Sentosa on 15th Aug. I enjoyed myself greatly, probably it's my very first experience in life to attend a real organised DND and Department Team Building. It's a large scale experience, and I glad to be part of it. haha. Well, first time to Sentosa, was really an eye opening! haha. Eye Opening not because I am thrilled of the place, but it was an eye opening for my colleagues who does not believe it was my first time to Sentosa. haha. They even treated me as if I was a tourist, on our way into Sentosa, they were acting to be the tour agent, showing me the place and telling me more about Sentosa. So malu la. haha.

We had 4 team building games in the morning, and one of it was doing the Flying Trepeze. It was something like the flying fox, I was proud of myself to do it so nicely and landed perfectly on the net. haha. Though, it left me whole body ache. haha. Then, in the afternoon, we had Amazing Island Hunt. haha. That's the so-called Treasure Hunt la. And thanks to the Sentosa Trainer, I was appointed to be the leader for my Blue Team. Wow, it's a challenge, as I am going to lead 15 people that are my seniors. But, thank God, maturity does not comes with age, it's the ability to accept responsibility and ability to fulfill the task. I did it! of cos, with the help of my fellow colleagues of different dept. I really go all out to find solutions to all the answers, and at the same time running all over Sentosa, my colleagues all praise me for the effort that I have put in it. Though we did not win, but I enjoyed the partnership with all of them in pulling all our strength together to fulfill the task. It is really not easy as it was my first time to Sentosa, and hunting the place is a big challenge for me! haha. So, now I can proudly say, I have been to Sentosa!! haha. YEah. Ended the day, feeling very exhausted. haha. But surely, there more activites to go for this month. haha!

CHURCH FAMILY DAY, 30 AUGUST 2008! See you at Changi Beach! :)

Remember, in life, have the attitude of wanting to do, than because you have to!

Running 4 GOLD,

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...

I just have a sudden urge to blog tonight. Seriously I miss those days where I can freely blog, having ample time to just sit there for an hour to think of what to blog. Wow, those were the carefree days and those were just the TIME...

Honestly, the reason why I have not been blogging is because, I have been tied up with work and ministries. I am really exhausted day in and day out. Thinking of work early in the morning, and late at night, or even in my dreams. I would say I am currently in the state of transitions. Still adapting to the unfamiliar environment, learning to strive in extreme conditions and keeping myself protected in every step I take, and keeping watch of bears out there. If you know what I am saying. Anyway, Never Give Up is the phrase that I have been telling myself every single day. From Monday to Sunday... Also, I have to always tell myself, Freda! You CAN DO IT! Well, am I at my wit's ends? No! As a Christian, this should not cross my mind! haha, I just seriously need more time.

Memory is failing me, headaches are catching up with me, smiles are running away from me and extra lines are creeping up my face. Monthly relative delayed in visiting by 2 weeks! That's something unusual for the past year! Ok, enough of these, I shall not let these bring me down.

Ok, just to share that I will be going on a Holiday this Sunday to Wednesday. haha. Time for a retreat and rest, hopefully. I will be going HongKong with Pauline, Andrea, their auntie and Dawn. It will be a 4D3N thing. But somehow, I am not excited, not anxious to pack but kept thinking of the work that I have left behind and the amount of work that will pile up when I am away, and the thoughts of the no of emails is enough to haunt me! Alamak, why am I back to this topic. ... Probably I just need a space to air it out. Dealing with work is a challenge, but dealing with people is more challenging. Haiz. Do keep me in your prayers, for strength, determinations and endurance. It's HE who keeps me going...

I like what Pastor says, when the GOING gets TOUGH, the TOUGH gets GOING. I believe by His Grace, I will get tougher each day. :)

Ok, time for a good rest. Cya!



Sunday, June 15, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...

Wow,cant believe this is the first post for the month of June. haha. Time really flies, and tomorrow will be the second week of work in NCS. The first week in NCS was really tough. Tagging along with a colleague who is handing over her job and work to me as she is redeployed. The jobscope is really wide and complicated. Lots of work process and workflow to remember and to follow. On top of that, I will still have to learn the new system, SAP. Somehow, I am struggling in learning whatever which was taught. Its is really fast paced and the company is really organised and efficient. No time to lose, and every minute, you are rushing to complete your part so that the job can be pass to the next department to complete the whole project. SO MANY THINGS TO DO! That is why you have not seen me online during office hour or blogging recently. haha.

I used to blog during office hours back in Sanyo, but in NCS, there is really not enough time to complete your work, let alone blogging. And, even after work, I am already mentally and physically drained. I just wanna rest after work, seriously. Very stressed. Seldom you see me use this word. Thus, do pray for me, for the determination and patience in the process of learning. I need to absorb and digest the informations fast so that I can take over the job asap.

Ok so much on my job. Let's talk about camp. Camp is just 3 days away. Have you started packing your barang barang? haha, I wanted to do it to day, but I was so lazy to get started. hehe. Will start tomorrow instead. Anyway, there will be a station where we are needed to get into the sea of water. Thus, please prepare to bring your swimsuit/bikini/swimming trunks or whatever that is waterproof! ahha. It is up to you, if you just wanna go down in T-shirt and shorts, Its totally fine. Just as long as you wear something on. haha. Crap aside. Remember to bring your battery charger so that you can charge your HP if not you may be uncontactable during Treasure Hunt. haha. However, you may leave your HP at home if you are using *SH, as we have incidents that, there is no receptions in St John's Island. ahah. Right, Jordan? hehe.

I am getting excited! haha. Time for a fellowship and bonding! YEah. Btw, before that, let's all pray for Edmund and Jordan who will be leaving for Genting tomorro morning. Let's pray for journey mercy and safety during the holiday trip! Yeah. We wanna see you guys coming back in ONE PIECE alright??? hha.

Ok, time for rest. SEE YOU GUYS SOON!! (:



Friday, May 30, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Complete Waves of Blessings!!!

You know what??? Today I gotten my payslip. And really thank God, I got my BONUS!!! Haha. I should expect nothing, but really by God's grace, I am given. I am really happy, because this shows that the God we served is REAL! haha.

Well, let me repeat my 3 Waves of Blessings...

1. New Job

2. Got my Driving License

3. Bonus

Wow! What can I say? God is GREAT! haha. I am so fascinated!! hehe. Time to proclaim God's goodness!! haha. which means, time for testimony!! Stay tuned...

Next updates, before I even leave the company, I think I will become a big fat woman. Please see below...

Yesterday's Breakfast : Colleagues ordered Nasi Lemak

Yesterday's Tea Break : Tiong Bahru Bao

Today's Farewell Lunch : Arnold's Chicken

Next Monday Farewell Dinner : K Box Buffet Dinner + Karaoke

One more Farewell Lunch : Yet to decide

Faint. How can I not grow fat???

Time to E X E R C I S E!!!

I am serious!! Hehe, still, just wanna thank God again for what He has done in my life. I am LOVING HIM!

And Well, 5 more working days to go... Kinda miss my colleagues already. haha!

Loving HIM even more,


Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Finally Collected!!!

Wow, finally collected my photocard Driving License! haha. You will never understand how I feel after going through the 9-10 months of learning driving. haha. I am just so HAPPY! I was really relieved upon opening up the letter from the Traffic Police Department and seeing a green card in it. haha. This marks the the start of a driver's life!! haha.

Well, the next thing is that, 2 days later, I will be getting my payslip, and I will know whether God has given me my 3rd wave of blessing by His Grace. Who am I to receive such a blessing? Only by the Grace and Mercy of God. So, do remember to give thanks in all ways God has bless you. Regardless of its size. haha.

I am into the last 8 days of working with Sanyo. Colleagues have offered to treat me to Alnold's Chicken for lunch tomorrow as a farewell for me. Boss also have offered to treat my colleagues and I for my farewell dinner next monday. Wow, aren't they great? haha. I am a small fry yet I have such privileges. Only through the Grace of God. haha. Actually, I really don't think I deserved these treats, as I don't agree that I am a good worker. Only you know what I mean. All I did was to do what I should and what is given to me. And the rest of the time, I am....... ahha. I shall confess to God. hehe. I truly enjoyed the whole experience here. I learned about life skills actually.

Next up, I am so stressed by UnWind. We have the nicely do up self made invitation card, but are you guys working hard to distribute to our friends? Well, if you have not, then its time to do so. Sorry for being last minute in asking for your participation. We will improve on that. Unwind will only be fun when you guys do your part. Its all about people and communication! haha. Ok, our only main purpose is to outreach and share the Gospel. So let's work together ok?

I shall sign off here and CYA soon!

Thank God,


Thursday, May 22, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
11 more working days...

Wow, I am just 11 more working days away from my new job!!! haha. Feeling kinda excited and doubtful. Because, I am walking into the unknown!!! New job, new challenge, new goals, new satisfaction. I really wonder how life would be at NCS. Hopefully, it will be better than Sanyo. haha. Just Tuesday, I received an email from NCS HR, informing me that I am posted to Project Team at ADPS. For goodness sake, I dunno what does ADPS means. I will tell you when I joined them. haha. Then, telling me where and who, I will be meeting on my first day of work. haha. At least they have the proper procedure like sending email informing me. Somehow, I felt a sense of belonging there, or at least someone cares about my presence at NCS. haha.

Yesterday, I just read the daily devotion, our very own Experiencing God day to day devotion. It touched on walking into the unknown. What does that means? It simply means, you are out of your comfort zone and experiencing something new. Some people would just give the next opportunity a miss because they are afraid of what is coming ahead of them. Tough work, tough modules, tough life. That's when people choose to give in to fear than trusting God. Well, personally I feel there are just sometimes that I wanna be reserved and choose not to try something new, because I am afraid to encounter something unexpected. But, we often forgotten that we serve an amazing God. He is there to guide us through difficult periods of our life. That's when our faith grows to a next level and relationship with God deepen. And now, I am trusting Him in everything I do. He gave new job, I quit my current job. He gave new challenge, I accept it, without asking WHY? Because, God's thoughts will always be higher than yours. haha.

I am really getting excited about life. Very soon, we will cross the first half of the year of 2008. Have you done something memorable that you can say to yourself, you have not wasted life for the past 6 months? Or even if the evaluation of the past 6 months is negative, fret not, time to recollect your thoughts and plan for the next 6 months. haha. May God guide you in your planning. Yeah.

Living Life to the fullest...


Monday, May 19, 2008
Enjoying Life with YOU is all I ask for...
Family Day

Wow, yesterday was an absolute Family Day. I would say, this is the first Family Photo taken after so many many years. Through this picture, I would say, everyone has really grown over the years. Both elder sisters have already became adults, one already married, the other working hard to upgrade herself. Whereas Perisa have already attended Secondary School. haha. And my parents really aged from the picture. My mum however, still looks as vibrant as before, I guess she must be extremely happy that we have this gathering. Whereas my dad, aged more than anyone else. He is actually younger than my mum by 2 years, but its obvious that he looks much older than my mum. Thats due to the inadequate rest and long hours of work. Well, looking back, I really thank God for my parents. Without them, there wouldn't be 4 pretty ladies on earth. haha. Well, after what Pastor have preached on Saturday, I am more than willing to be a more filial daughter than before. haha.

Next, you must be wondering where did we took this picture. haha. Before this we went for dinner at Pearl River at Suntec City. This is actually a gathering to celebrate belated Mother's Day and my Papa's birthday. We are there for a chinese style buffet. First time there to experience a ZHI CHAR buffet. You can order anything and everything. Thus, we ordered plates after plates, seafood after seafood. haha. Delicious and of cos, very sinful. haha. Still to make our money worth, we eat and eat. Btw, the cost is actually $32++ and the bill came up to $340 for 8 pax. haha. We enjoyed the laughter and what's more, the most important thing to allow our parents to enjoy good food as a graditude in bringing up all of us.

After that, we went for a ride with Singapore Flyer. Thats the largest observation cubicle in Asia. The whole ride took us 30 mintues to ride 1 round. The scenes were beautiful and when we reached the peak, we are 145 metres away from the ground. haha. And of cos, taking this opportunity, we took many many many pictures. haha. And my mum was so fascinated to take pictures with my papa. haha. And we as children were so glad to see them so loving. haha. The picture taken above was actually taken by the Singapore Flyer staff. This is actually how they earn money. Everyone will have to walk pass the studio, where they will take a picture of the whole family and they will edit and put the picture with Singapore Flyer as the background. So dont think that you will take such a nice picture while in the cubicle with the 'SO NICE' Scenery. Haha. In the end, the picture cost $15 for the first copy and $10 for subsequent copies. Of cos, its not compulsory to buy but we ended up buying 4 copies. Its so easy to earn our money right! Anyway, the ticket cost $30 each for the ride. So the total cost of the day is $341+$206.5+45. Sister will do the calculations and I will be told of my share tonight. haha. Another big bomb.haha. We enjoyed the night and the time together. Probably we should have more of these events to make our life much more lively. haha.

Anyway, this is the actual family photo taken in the cubicle itself. haha.

And the original Chua Family without additions...

Just wanna thank God, for all the people that He has put in my life. I will not regret to be born in this family. Instead, I am thankful.

Feeling blessed and time for REAL DIET,
